Mentone Girls' Secondary College

Mentone Girls' Secondary College
Mentone, Victoria, Australia
Established 1955
Status open
Houses Jackson, Kenny, Mackellar, Melba

Mentone Girls' Secondary College is an all-girl's state school located in Mentone, in the Australian state of Victoria.


The efforts of Frances Higgens, who wished to encourage girls to stay in school, lead to the establishment of the Mentone Girls' School in 1955. Nina Carr, a teacher at Colac High School, shared her views, and Frances persuaded her to apply for the position of principal.

The new school opened with enrolment of about sixty girls in Year 8 but without a building. Classes were held in local halls until the official opening on 11 October 1955. Miss Carr and her secretary gained administrative experience as they progressed in their roles, and they used a public phone box on the busy Nepean Highway to talk with the Department of Education.

The new building had no heating, electricity or sound system, and the grounds were undeveloped for a long time. Notices and school news were written on a blackboard near the general office. Miss Carr lived in a flat in the grounds. She formed clubs for drama, the Red Cross, I.S.C.F. and a school choir, and she worked with the Ladies' Auxiliary and an Advisory Council that was established to support the school.

In 1958 a Ministerial Order changed the name of the school to Mentone Girls' High School. There were no immediate changes in the philosophy or curriculum, but a 5th form was established and planning began for Matriculation classes so that students could complete their studies at the school. A debating team was started and there were tennis, basketball, softball and hockey teams.

A Parents' Association was formed in 1960 and members organised film evenings and dance classes. A working party of fathers laid concrete paths and worked on the grounds, and Miss Carr managed the front garden.

By 1962 the school had a 6th form and Matriculation classes which led to 13 girls receiving Commonwealth Scholarships. Fund-raising was started for an assembly hall that was built two years later, the Nina Carr Hall.

1965 was Miss Carr's final year as principal. She was offered the position of principal at the MacRobertson Girls' High School, which was a great honour for a woman teacher in Victoria.

Although staff and students at Mentone were proud of her achievements, her departing from the significant role that she had played in establishing the college caused a sense of loss to the community. The staff presented a portrait to her that still hangs outside the present principal's office, and seems to be keeping an eye on what is happening. Miss Carr's old flat later became the Year 12 common room.[1]

College Houses

When the Mentone Girls' High School opened in 1955, students were alphabetically divided into four houses. At that time, marching was a competitive school sport and Miss Carr oversaw the training and practice of the House marching teams. Today house activities are many and varied, but the houses bearing the names of women are still remembered.

Jackson House was named in celebration of Marjorie Jackson; Elizabeth Kenny is the namesake of Kenny House; Melba House is named after Nellie Melba and Dorothea Mackellar is the inspiration for Mackellar House.
